CSV module

Our current project with the University of Florida called for the merging of 41 individual csv files that contained the behavioral observations for this project. Lucky for us they all had the same headers, but we still wrote something in our code to check for all the headers to make sure they existed. So we decided to open up the csv module and get to work!

We also decided we wanted to take some fields with concatenated values and derive some values based on those concatenated values. The following python script will take in all the csv files in a given file and then using the field headers will check to make sure that field header exists, and capture the value.

Here is the gitHub link so that you can see how the code changed from one version to the next.  Using code to do data analysis makes the results more standardized.  You can “see” how the data is being reviewed and analyzed. This allows for a more transparent analysis.

import os, sys, csv
csv_Directory = r"CSV directory with all the csv files in it"

#Global Variables
rowcapture_dic = {}
rowcapture_list = []

def checkcsvforheaders(csvdirectory):
    for filename in os.listdir(csvdirectory):
        print filename
        with open(csv_Directory + "\\" + filename) as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, dialect='excel')
            for row in reader:
                # format is row['header name']
                print(row['Observation Period'])
                print(row['Observation Period Timestamp'])
                print(row['Pin ID'])
                print(row['Pin Type'])
                print(row['Actor Type'])
                print(row['Actor Type Other'])
                print(row['Interaction Instances'])
                print(row['Observation Period Comments'])
                print(row['Observation ID'])
                print(row['Observation Timestamp'])
                print(row['Posture Type'])
                print(row['Observation Devices'])
                print(row['Observation Comments'])

def copylines(csvdirectory):
    ObservationPeriod = ''
    ObservationTimestamp = ''
    PinID = ''
    PinType = ''
    Xrow = ''
    Yrow = ''
    ActorType = ''
    ActorTypeOther = ''
    InteractionInstances = ''
    Interactions = ''
    ObservationPeriodComments = ''
    ObservationID = ''
    ObservationTimestamp = ''
    PostureType = ''
    ObservationDevices = ''
    ObservationComments = ''
    for filename in os.listdir(csvdirectory):
        print "Capturing " + filename
        with open(csv_Directory + "\\" + filename) as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, dialect='excel')
            for row in reader:
                # format is row['header name']
                ObservationPeriod = row['Observation Period']
                ObservationPeriodTimestamp = row['Observation Period Timestamp']
                PinID = row['Pin ID']
                PinType = row['Pin Type']
                Xrow = row['X']
                Yrow = row['Y']
                #Yrow = row['Rotation']
                ActorType = row['Actor Type']
                ActorTypeOther = row['Actor Type Other']
                InteractionInstances = row['Interaction Instances']
                Interactions = row['Interactions']
                ObservationPeriodComments = row['Observation Period Comments']
                ObservationID = row['Observation ID']
                ObservationTimestamp = row['Observation Timestamp']
                PostureType = row['Posture Type']
                ObservationDevices = row['Observation Devices']
                ObservationComments = row['Observation Comments']
                rowcapture_list.append("{0}?{1}?{2}?{3}?{4}?{5}?{6}?{7}?{8}?{9}?{10}?{11}?{12}?{13}?{14}?{15}?{16}".format(ObservationPeriod, ObservationPeriodTimestamp, PinID, PinType, Xrow, Yrow,
                                                                                                             ActorType, ActorTypeOther, InteractionInstances, Interactions,
                                                                        ObservationPeriodComments, ObservationID, ObservationTimestamp, PostureType, ObservationDevices, ObservationComments, filename))
def writelines(dic, rowcount):
    csvfile = "Folder Name C:\Junk\\ for example" + "\\" + "Filename.csv"
    with open(csvfile, "ab") as csvWrite:
        write = csv.DictWriter(csvWrite, dic.keys())
        if rowcount == 0:

#print len(rowcapture_list)
rowcount = 0
for row in rowcapture_list:
    EatDrink = 'No'
    Headphone = 'No'
    ScreenShare = 'No'
    WhiteBoard = 'No'
    Printmat = 'No'
    Ind_Device = 'No'
    TimeofDay = 'None'
    Weekend = "No"
    ObservationPeriod_Final = row.split('?')[0]
    ObservationTimeStamp_Final = row.split('?')[1]
    PinID_Final = row.split('?')[2]
    PinType_Final = row.split('?')[3]
    Xrow_Final = row.split('?')[4]
    Yrow_Final = row.split('?')[5]
    ActorType_Final = row.split('?')[6]
    ActorTypeOther_Final = row.split('?')[7]
    InteractionInstances = row.split('?')[8]
    Interactions_Final = row.split('?')[9]
    ObservationPeriodComments_Final = row.split('?')[10]
    ObservationID_Final = row.split('?')[11]
    ObservationDate = row.split('?')[12]
    DaySplit = ObservationDate.split(' ')[0]
    if DaySplit == "Sun" or DaySplit == "Sat":
        Weekend = "Yes"
    TimeSplit = ObservationDate.split(' ')[-1]
    Time = TimeSplit.split(':')[0]
    if int(Time)  15:
        TimeofDay = "Evening"
    PostureType_Final = row.split('?')[13]
    ObservationDevices_Final = row.split('?')[14] #Ind_device, Interact, Printmat, Headphones, Eat/Drink, Screen_share, Whiteboard
    #Try and Capture Additional Calculated Values
    Devicesplit = ObservationDevices_Final.split(",")
    if "Eat/drink" in Devicesplit:
        EatDrink = "Yes"
    if "Headphones" in Devicesplit:
        Headphone = "Yes"
    if "Printmat" in Devicesplit:
        Printmat = "Yes"
    if "Whiteboard" in Devicesplit:
        WhiteBoard = "Yes"
    if "Screen_share" in Devicesplit:
        ScreenShare = "Yes"
    if "Ind_device" in Devicesplit:
        Ind_Device = "Yes"
    ObservationComments_Final = row.split('?')[15]
    filename_Final = row.split('?')[16]
    my_dict = {"ObservationPeriod": ObservationPeriod_Final, "ObservationTimestamp": ObservationTimeStamp_Final, "PinID": PinID_Final, "PinType": PinType_Final, "X": Xrow_Final, "Y": Yrow_Final,
               "ActorType": ActorType_Final, "ActorTypeOther": ActorTypeOther_Final, "InteractionInstances": InteractionInstances, "Interactions": Interactions_Final, "ObservationPeriodComments": ObservationComments_Final,
               "ObservationID": ObservationID_Final, "Observation Date": ObservationDate, "PostureType": PostureType_Final, "ObservationDevices": ObservationDevices_Final,
               "ObservationComments": ObservationComments_Final, "FileName": filename_Final,
               "EatDrink": EatDrink, "ScreenShare": ScreenShare, "Headphones": Headphone, "WhiteBoard": WhiteBoard, "Printmat": Printmat, "IndividualDevice": Ind_Device, "TimeofDay": TimeofDay, "Weekend": Weekend} #Derived fields based on Devices

    print my_dict
    writelines(my_dict, rowcount)
    rowcount += 1